Capsules in a medicine cup

Do you really need the medications you're taking?

Many medications are very useful and some can be life-saving

However, many medications are over-prescribed and can cause side effects ranging from mild to life-threatening.

Have you ever wondered if you really need the medications you are on? We’ve tried to give you the key information you need to help you work this all out.

Medications in a blister pack

We provide answers to these questions:

  • Why would I need this medication?
  • Who makes the decision about whether I take this medication or not?
  • What is the benefit of using this medication?
  • What are the harms of using this medication?
  • What monitoring should be done with this medication?
  • How would I stop or de-prescribe this medication?
  • How is this medication processed by my kidney or liver?
  • Are there drug interactions with this medication?
  • How can I save money on this medication?
Medications in prescription bottles

You make the final decision!

You are the main person who decides if you should take a medication. That is an important job and it can have important implications for your health and well-being

You ultimately need to figure out if a medication is right for you

Being armed with the best available information allows you to work with your health care providers to really figure this all out

We hope the information in this site helps you with this important job and that it allows you to have an informed discussion with your health care provider.